Download free ghost sniper
Download free ghost sniper

When you're fighting on your own, deciding which enemies to take down first doesn't always give you predictable results. When you're sniping from a great distance, and being guided by your team, this isn't a problem. QualityĮnemy AI can be a little hard to predict. The good looking environments don't allow for much exploration, and there isn't the same level of fascinating detail like there was in Dishonored. While it never reaches Dishonored or Hitman levels, there is a puzzle element to watching and learning soldiers' movements, and it's fun to get through a level undetected. The night and infrared vision modes are well done, but you rarely need to use them creatively. You can hold your breath, which momentarily slows time, allowing you to take a more accurate shot, and in general it plays like a standard first person shooter. There really needed to be more creative game modes to make multiplayer worthwhile in Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2. This makes game pretty quiet, as searching for other snipers is a slow, painstaking process.

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It sets two teams up sniping against each other.

Download free ghost sniper